Introduction to sales phase and marketing; social media marketing and e-commerce

You may have a wonderful idea and prototype, but in case you don’t have a good marketing plan, nobody will know your product. This is the place, where marketing comes in.

Below you may find a slideshow that has summarized the most important information you might need to know about marketing and selling your product.

The slides are here

Classroom activity

Go through the slides during the classroom activity.

Team task (during team meeting)

You and your team should also create a marketing plan for yourselves. 

Already in earlier team tasks (one pagers) you have outlined some of the components of a Business Plan.

Now your team will summarize the Business Plan and add more marketing/sales aspect as you will produce a Marketing Plan for your product/service.

  • You may use the template or create your own, including these main elements:
  • Mission and vision
  • Competition
  • Customers
  • SMART objectives (business goals)
  • Your competitive advantage / how do you differ from competitors?
  • Marketing channels / how to interact with your customers?
  • Sales / how would you sell your product / service?

If you’re unsure of some details – give your best estimation (or imaginary).

For advanced teams voluntary TEAM TASK Extra, describe:

  • SWOT
  • Organizing and division of work
  • Action Plan
  • Marketing Budget (estimated or imaginary)

Introduction to social media marketing and e-commerce

Make groups of 4-6. In the beginning of the lesson, share chapters of “Social media” between each other, so that everyone should read at least 1 chapter. Write down 5 most important things you learned from the chapter and share with your group when you have finished reading. Write down the 5 most important things that other students in your group brought out. 

Think about your DY team. What social media channels should you use?

Team task (during team meeting)

  1. Share your thoughts on social media with your team members during your next team meeting. What did you learn from the reading material and what are the tools you should use?
  2. Share the chapters of E-Commerce among each other and also share, what you did learn about it. Do it during the meeting. 
  3. Decide what social media and e-commerce ways are best for your team. Write the thoughts down and share it with your mentor for feedback.

Home task: social media and my team

  • Write down the thoughts of your team about best social media channels for your product. 
  • Share the thoughts with your mentor during a meeting or send it via email/Facebook. Analyze with your team members, what to do with the feedback. (Should you change anything or not?)