Intro to prototyping phase

When you have figured out what problem you will try to solve with your idea, it is time to prepare for prototyping. A prototype is an early model of a product which is built to test the product idea, and make it better before actual production.

Team task: Set team roles and timeline. Upload an overview of your filled Trello board and send it to your mentor for feedback.

During this sessions, you will learn:

  • what are key terms in prototyping
  • reasons why prototyping is necessary
  • what are different prototyping methods what are the tools for prototyping
  • how to prototype a physical product – works as an introduction for all teams
  • for technically advanced teams, how and where to search, collect and process information to choose the most appropriate technology for your idea
  • how to continue using Trello and stick to your roles in a team



Team task: Be ready with your first prototype draft, ask mentor`s feedback and develop it based on  feedback you received.

Teacher tips

  • Go through the introduction to prototyping.
  • Get to know the key terms in prototyping. See the material (sub-page)
  • Introduce different methods of prototyping by showing this video
  • Go through deadlines and tasks of this phase.

Discuss the roles of teams and tasks of each role.

Before prototyping, a team should have

       a product idea – have they fulfilled onepager? How far are they with different phases of design thinking ( empathy, definition, ideation)?

       a mentor – he/she supports the team through the whole process, helps with team cooperation and division of roles, gives advice on business and sometimes also technical issues (or refers to a technical expert)

       customer research done – it helps to find out more about the problem they try to solve with their product, and customer needs. If the team´s idea is not quite clear yet the customer interviews help them to clarify it. If they think the idea is perfectly clear the customer interviews might give you new insights.

Student teams have worked and will work at a different pace. This is ok!

If they still need to work with their market or customer research, there are instructions in the course. Also, they can ask an advice from you.

Please support the teams in dividing tasks: for example, they can decide who does the market research, and who interviews the potential customers. Some teams gather have made a short e-questionnaire to gather information about customer needs.


Classroom activities

       Prepare necessary materials for trying out prototyping methods (paper + pencils and Padlet + Moodboard). In case students have already used these methods and you have a feeling that there are some other methods to create moodboards and mindmaps, use those.

       Go through the video that introduces Trello ( so that you are able to answer to students questions.

Classroom activities

Before you start

Student teams have worked and will work at a different place. This is ok! If you still need to work with your market or customer research, see team task below and ask for advice from your teacher.

You can save time by dividing tasks between team members: for example, you can decide who does the market research, and who interviews the potential customers. In this meeting we will cover time and task management.

Why Prototype?

A prototype is an early model of a product which is built to test the product or service idea, and make it better before an actual production. 

Prototyping is the most important part of the product development process. This helps you to figure out how to make your idea actually work. You will practice to use different prototyping tools, test your prototype on target audience, learn from customer feedback, and improve the prototype.

Prototyping goes in cycles – you build, test, change, test, change etc. So you can take as many cycles as you decide or need!

Prototype phase will end with the Prototype Fair where all the teams will present their prototypes.

       See the introduction to prototyping (.ppt)

       Get to know the key terms in prototyping (sub-page)


How to prototype?

There are different methods. Within the next weeks you will try different methods. 

This video will give a brief overview of some methods.


Tasks, deadlines and roles

Most important activities of this phase are:

       set team roles and timeline

       create target group research questions and finish one pager

       finish the first draft of prototype

       have at least 6 interviews with members of the target group

       finish the draft of pitch

       finish the second draft of prototype

       create pitch and presentation for the prototype fair

       finish the final draft of the prototype

Discuss in your team meeting, when and how you will do the tasks. First task in this list will help you to set proper roles for everybody and devide tasks between team members. This will make your life easier, as you will know now, who is responsible of what. 

Most important roles in the light of DigiYouth programme are: 

group manager/leader, who:

       is responsible of wellbeing of every team member

       checks the tasks and deadlines – are you in the schedule? Are people doing what they have promised? If not, how you solve the situation? Should they delegate some tasks or do they need help of team member, teacher or mentor?

       creates agendas and sets meetings

designer, who:

       creates the design of the prototype

       chooses the method of creating a prototype

       tries to make your idea into reality

communication and marketing specialist, who:

       gives out information about the product/service to the audience and outside world

       creates written and oral materials about the product/service (texts, pages etc)

       communicates with possible clients, including target group members

There are other tasks and possible positions, of course, but these are the most basic ones that you should cover for sure. Also, there might be 2 designers and three communication specialists or some people who do both, but please keep in mind that there should be at least 1 person for each role in your team. 

Team tasks (during the meeting)

       Do check-in with your team (use Check-in-check-out tool)

       How did you spend the holidays?

       Deadlines and roles


Discuss the tasks you have to do and the deadlines. Set pre-deadlines. 

Discuss the roles: who would like to do what? 

While discussing the roles, think on following questions:

       What am I good at? 

       What I like to do?

       What kind of activities are uncomfortable for me?

       Which skills I would like to develop in myself?

Choose the roles after giving answers to the questions.

Team task (home assignment)

Set team roles and timeline. Upload a screenshot of fulfilled Trello board to Drive and send it to your mentor for feedback. The board will be shown to you during the second class.

Introduction to Prototyping Methods and Team Roles

By this moment, you already know why prototyping is necessary. There are several ways how to prototype. Why to use different methods? Every product, service is unique. In order to understand it better and to see it from the angles that customers see it, it is important to use several methods. Start from easier methods and move slowly, step by step, to more complicated ones. In this lesson you will try out different methods.

Let´s get started!

1. Create a moodboard. Sign in to Padlet.  Padlet is a useful tool when you start creating moodboards – something that helps you to have a visual overview of certain style or elements you want to be used. A bit like Pinterest. You have 10 minutes to search and upload photos of your dream vacation. Where would you like to go? What would you like to do there? What would you like to eat? Will you be there alone or with some special people? Add all this to your Padlet wall. Introduce your work to others.

2. Mindmapping. Take max 15 minutes for that. Take some paper and a pencil. Draw a mindmap of the idea your team has decided to work with. 

Focus on the main functions – how the user will use it? What is the first step – is it clicking on some button? What happens next? What does the user do with it step by step? You can start with only boxes and arrows, and write short descriptions by the boxes.

Also, draw simple screenshots of your app or website. For example an opening/start page, see

example below:

Show your work to your team.

Questions to help sketching apps or websites, physical objects or games

Teams have different products. Find your product type below and think of the following questions.

App or website

       Which main function does the app/website have? How are they presented in the menu? 

       What happens when I press the app icon on my phone screen? 

       How does the opening page and other pages of the website look like?

       What are the options? How do I select them?

A physical object (for example a wearable product):

       How does it look like (size, shape)?

       How do I turn it on/off? If it is a wearable smart product, how do I start the technology?

       How would you present it on a web page?

The easiest way is to use pen and paper, take photos of your sketches and upload them to a Google folder.

You can also prepare a Powerpoint presentation in the future, if you prefer to work electronically.


       Which platform is it for? (PC/MAC/phone etc)

       What do I do in it?

       How do I win?

       How do I get from START screen to the game?

       What does a level look like? Do I have a tutorial level before the actual game?

       Use existing games and screen captures from games to copy and past visuals. Make a collage to create the idea of what their game should look like in terms of scene (levels) and player position, camera angle, obstacles on the level etc. 

 Roles and Trello Board

When you have decided on the roles (the very basic ones) based on peoples strengths and development needs, it is time to work more precisely on your schedule. For that, we recommend to use Trello. There are several time and team work management tools that you can use. Trello is something, which allows several people to work at the same time, change deadlines and dates. Also, it gives a very good overview, what has been done.

Check the intro video of Trello during the lesson.

Here is an example Trello board that you can take into account. Trello is a tool for every team member, but the team leader should keep an eye on it the most (change deadlines, tasks etc).

Team tasks (during the meeting)

       Do check-in with your team (use Check-in-check-out tool)

       What is your highlight of the week?

       Share your mindmaps and discuss about them. 1) What elements mindmaps consist? 2) How did the works differ? 3) What was similar? 4) Would you like to choose an example one that you work with in the future?

       In case you did not do that earlier, set the roles for the future work now. Don’t be afraid, these are just roles for some time and it is important that you help one another. When the roles have been chosen, create your own Trello board for time and task management. The group leader, with the help of others, should add to the board your deadlines and pre-deadlines. Make each task into several smaller tasks and add deadlines and people who are responsible to each task. In this case, the programme will help you keep in mind necessary steps.  Before fulfilling it, discuss what kind of categories should there be? How should you use the colors? Everytime you have finished a task or created a new one, postponed a previous one, make the change in your board as well. At first this will take some time, but you will get used to it soon.

Team task (home assignment)

Upload a screenshot of fulfilled Trello board to Drive and send it to your mentor for feedback. The board will be shown to you during the second class.